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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Balcony's BIKINI Competition

Talking about BIKINI and everyone will go wow.

I went WOW......

If you didn't wow, then you must be a GAY, or u must have think that u have bigger tits than ME~!! lol...



Of course i didn't miss out the fun~!!!! Me and my frens went to Island, had a few drinks before we head up to Balcony for the event of the nite.

After all, it's the only happening thing in town after such a while.

Previously, Balcony had a few of such similar contest...i think it was last year. Every week, there was a new theme for the nite.

We had the LOWEST Cut (??), Barest Back, Shortest skirt and i think Sexiest Pants. 4 weeks consecutively. Nice.

Back to the current BIKINI competition.

Actually, the reason we went is because of one particular girl. Yes, ONE particular girl. Well, you must have think that either she's my fren, or she must have BIG TITS.

She's one hot blogger from the town, and it happened that me and my fren are her readers.
Personally, i haven't meet her in real person.

Okay, so i don't follow her blog daily but my fren actually does. He told us that there will be an competition and this girl is contestant no.1, so how can i miss out the whole thing? It's a SIN.

photo courtesy of Mamoyo

And you wouldn't believe what happened.

First thing i did was into the washroom when i got up there. I didn't want any nature's call when i would be happily watching the show later.

Then as i was about to leave the lo0, i notice a familiar face. It's ING HUI~!! It's MAMOYO~!!

So i did something totally hilarious. I called her. ING HUI~!!

She was very surprised some unfamiliar voice called out to her.

There she was, looking at me, with a big question mark on her face. I said "We read your blog. That's the whole reason why we are here tonite." which was infact the truth.

Then, i saw her smiling upon hearing the statement. But can you believe me??

Did i just do that?? It sounded really funny and i think i looked like an idiot. lol

But you know?? Once in a while, we ought to do something out of ordinary, make ourselves look stupid and turn it into a good joke. :-D

So the outcome was this.

My pretty face was shown on her blog...with a comment like this

"This stranger came up to me in the toilet saying "I read your blog! That's why I'm here to support you!" Mandy is so incredibly sweet and thank you. "

haha.....kinda embarassing and stupid, i know. But hey, i was there for fun and to enjoy myself and i did just that. :-)

looked like he's having a hell of a time.And my frens enjoyed the nite too. :-D

Before i finish my entry for the day, can you tell me what ikan pisang and ikan kakak tua??

Parrot fish?? BANANA fish??? lol.....



My people, Blogger DaViD_BRaNDoN said...

Gosh! I missed the bikini party... *damn* :(

2:44 PM  
My people, Blogger Her Royal Highness said...

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6:21 PM  

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