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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fright of the Year

Early morning. 6.55am. I had a heart attack. And because of that, I almost lost my common sense.

I had the fright of the year when i received a phonecall. (not fright of my life coz i have more frightening experiences than this)

The first sentence my sister said when i answered the call...

Sister: "Ah ti is in hospital!"

Me : HAH?!?!? Hospital!!!

Hundreds of senarios crossed my mind, possibilities of what had happened to my brother.

Sister: Don't worry. He's ok. He's in the hospital now.

If he's ok, why is he hospitalised????

Me: Why is he in the hospital??? What happened?

Sister: His friend hit someone on the road while they are on their way to school. Ah ti said the guy is dead so they have to go to the hospital. And the police will bring them to the station later.

Oh my god. That's a crime. The kid killed someone. And my brother was in the car.

After the conversation with my sister. I called my brother. Couldn't get through. Second try. Still the same. Hundreds of thoughts crossed my mind again. Are those policemen torturing my brother now? Are they not letting him switch on his handphone??

I tried again 15minutes later. This time the phone got thru.

So he's still in hospital. Getting some treatment.


He got some cuts on his arm when the windshield shattered.

I didn't get to talk much to my brother. He wasn't in a situation to talk so i asked him to call me if there's anything.

After i got home, i asked my brother about the incident.

Apparently, his fren was trying to overtake a lorry in front of them. When they were parallel on the other lane, the lorry driver overtook a vehicle in front of him shifting into the right lane, without noticing that there was a car on his right.

It happened so fast, all the kid could do was turn the steering wheel further right, driving themselves onto the vacant land next to the road to avoid the lorry. At the same instance, there was a man cycling on the right lane coming from the opposite direction.

Needless to say, you know what happened already.

Front and back windshield all shattered.

It was lucky that no one inside the car suffered major injuries. But the man who was cycling wasn't that lucky.

My brother saw an broken arm inside the car. Torn apart. Blood was everywhere.

A limpless body was on the trail left by their car, partially covered by the tall growing grass.

The body looked so deformed that initially they thought the head was also torn apart from the body.

After a while, they realised it was actually the other arm which was torn apart.

Two arms torn apart. A disfigured man lying on the ground. My bro couldn't even tell if the man was chinese or local native.

My bro said the man died on the spot. It looked too horrible for a human being to survive the crash.

The kids were all terrified. Somehow all of them managed to stay calm enough to remember the emergency number and called the ambulance. My brother had jelly legs when the ambulance finally arrived.

A reporter arrived the scene together with the ambulance. Funny, rite??

So this reported took in every inch of the scene with his camera, including the blood-soaked kid who was in the passenger seat beside the driver.

We have really lousy policemen in town i tell you. No one picked up the phone when the kids called the police station. Hello?? Semua orang pergi minum teh tarik kah??

They have to call for more than 5 minutes before a lazy-ass policeman answered their call. And they arrive 30 minutes after the ambulance arrived.

So much for the police forces in the country and to hell the security of the town will go.

What if someone managed to call the police station when they are being kidnapped?? The victim would probably end up dead the next day coz the our goody-goody-lazy-ass policeman didn't pick up the bloody phone.

Those poor kids have to wait in the ambulance and not getting any treatment for half an hour.

Pity the limpless man lying on the ground too.

i have no idea shattered glass cause injuries like this.

P.S.: We'll see what the newspaper say tomorrow. The reporter took lots of picture. Wonder if my bro is in those photos. Will update once i see the newspaper.


The Scene
A limpless body was on the trail left by their car

Poor kids waiting in the ambulance for those lazy-ass policemen while the reporter took lotsa photos

Parents arrived later at the scene.

If the man survived the crashed, do u think he would survive waiting half hour for the policemen to arrive at the scene? *Ambulance can't leave when the policemen haven't arrive.

I guess that's enough photos to say it all.

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