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Friday, November 02, 2007


People who knows me well, will know that i'm left-handed.

Today, i came across one article about lefthandedness : The mysteries of lefthandedness

I thought it might be something interesting. Indeed, it was, but research is still ongoing so it'll take, perhaps, a decade or more for them to find something that is really significant about how different does a brain of a left-handed person works from a right-handed?

I qoute from the article :

Why are only 10 percent of us lefthanded, and why did the ratio seem to change over the last century? Are lefties somehow different - less healthy, more creative?

This indicates there are lesser left-handed people around as time goes on, and also, more left-handed people are unhealthy and so they die early???

So i'm gonna die early??

Then, the most interesting point come into light

Lefthanders really are special, and the ways they differ are yielding insight into human diversity - especially how one person's brain differs from another's.

Every human being is unique but being a lefthanded person, each lefty is more unique in a way his/her brain works differently from other lefties?

"Lefthandedness is connected to a lot of neurodevelopmental disorders," says Daniel Geschwind, a UCLA expert in what is known as neurobehavioral genetics. People with autism and schizophrenia are more likely to be lefthanded, he says. "But with that risk, there is also gain."


My God....

I'm gonna turn crazy someday.

Various studies have found weak but statistically significant associations between lefthandedness and schizophrenia, autism and even homosexuality.

Psychologist Ronald Yeo of the University of New Mexico thinks the common link is a kind of flexibility known as developmental instability. Roughly, this describes the tendency to get off track during development, he says, freeing some brains to vary from the majority design, with each component in its place.

That may allow for novel ways of arranging the brain. Perhaps only an unusual configuration can produce an artistic and scientific genius like Leonardo da Vinci, who was reportedly both lefthanded and gay.

hmm....so i could be a homo in future.. Who knows, rite?


By the end of the day, i still don't find anything special about myself rather than: i might be dying earlier than right-handed people, i might turn into a nut someday and i have chances of getting a female life partner.


I'm not so special after all. That's just the way the scientists put it so they won't scare off parents, and so parent won't train their kids to use right hand in the early days of their lives to be a right-handed person. That way, they can continue to do researches. Isn't that brilliant? [okay, that's just one sarcastic comment i made for fun]

I'm just disappointed that they didn't mention LEFTIES ARE SMARTER THAN RIGHTHANDER. haha.... No puns intented.



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