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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The truth about Vitamin C

A very interesting article.

Something that will change our perception of Vitamin C that has been around for decades.

Can Vitamin C Cure Colds?

To cut the story short. Here it is :

The research found that vitamin C did little to reduce either the length or severity of colds among the general population. However, studies have found that it may lower the risk of catching a cold among people whose bodies are under high physical stress—think marathon runners or soldiers on subarctic exercises. They were 50 percent less likely to catch a cold if they took a daily dose of vitamin C.

For the rest of us, however, that extra glass of orange juice is not going to do much. "The presumption of the millions of people who are taking vast amounts of vitamin C that they're preventing a cold has no foundation," says Robert Douglas, lead author of the study and former president of the Public Health Association of Australia.

So Where does this assumption comes from ??

It all stems from Linus Pauling, a Nobel Prize-winning chemist who lived from 1901 to 1994. In 1970 he wrote the book "Vitamin C and the Common Cold," which popularized the notion that this particular vitamin could prevent one of the most common ailments on earth.

But the book came with little scientific backing and was largely devoid of evidence, says Pauling biographer Thomas Hager. "He published this very influential health book without writing a single scientific paper on the subject," he says.

With that, it means he had not done any research before he publicised that idea to the world.

It's forgivable. Afterall, it was published in the 70's and no one questioned the realiability of this information. It hasn't done us any harm.




My people, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

2:59 AM  

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